Thursday 27 October 2011

Thursday October 27th

A rainy morning here in Montgomeryshire, and we certainly need the rain - as all my farming friends are telling me . . . but I'm sure they, like me, will hope that all this year's shortfall won't be made up in one go! I like rain, and I am really quite immune to such lyrics as "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down" (for the record, I've nothing much against Mondays either!). Without rain, we'd be living in a desert; because we have plenty of it here (usually), the land around us in Wales is for the most part green and pleasant.

I remember a former colleague telling of meeting a visitor from West Africa at Heathrow. It was a grey and dismal London morning, full of rain, and my friend felt obliged to apologise for the English weather. "What do you mean? This is wonderful!" his guest replied. And my friend was reminded that, in Scripture, words like "the rain falls both on the just and on the unjust" are speaking of the distribution not of woes but of blessings, in a land where water is precious and rains are eagerly awaited.

I shall hope always to find blessings even on the grey days of my life . . .

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