Tuesday 13 March 2012


A journey to the hospital last night, to see the specialist regarding a possible colon problem. As it was an evening appointment, the hospital outpatients' department was fairly quiet, though there were a fair number of takers for this clinic. The atmosphere in the waiting area was fairly tense - long periods of silence alternating with short bursts of rather forced jollity. Not many of us were on their own, like me, but families sat quietly or conversed in virtual whispers.

The consultant himself was pleasant, positive and brisk. My symptoms need not mean anything serious. They are quite mild, and may in part be caused by certain medication I'm taking; however, I have a low iron count, which is a slight cause for concern when taken along with the rest. I may have a bit of a wait before I'm called in for tests, but they will be thoroughgoing (cameras inserted from both top and bottom ends, if you take my meaning). "Think of it as an MOT," as the doctor put it.

My concern isn't completely removed, of course, but my mind was somewhat eased as I made my way home. But for some of those in the waiting area with me, the news received or awaited has, or will have, changed their lives for ever. I'm glad of the practical and positive approach taken by staff, and presented in the ambience of the place. I expect to be back for a rather more tense encounter with medical science in maybe six to eight weeks.

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