Thursday 23 February 2012


I put some new bird feeders up about a month ago, in a slightly quieter part of the garden, as the feeders we had before were perhaps too near the house for the birds to feel comfortable. Anyway, they hadn't really made much if any use of them. But for quite a while the new location didn't seem any more popular. We saw birds passing by, but generally they didn't seem to want to stop.

The RSPB Great Garden Birdwatch came and went; no birds here, or not many. Then, towards the end of last week, a robin decided to stake a territorial claim to the bird table, and spent much of the morning there or thereabouts. Over the weekend, a female chaffinch started hanging about there, too. And the goldfinches that had been such a feature of our garden through much of last summer reappeared, and a few sparrows ventured across to join them, from the houses behind where they spend so much time in conversation.

They're here - the sparrows and the goldfinches, and that female chaffinch too, though not the robin - this morning, but, along with them, what excitement! Our garden has become a playground for a merry band of siskins. These are among my favourite birds, small green sociable finches, strongly and attractively marked, with the black brow of the males very prominent. They've just left our feeders, but I know they haven't gone far, as I can hear them twittering somewhere close by.

I think siskins in these parts are in the main winter visitors, but I'm sure some stay to nest, and they certainly do up country from here. Lovely to see them here today, anyway, and to watch how they interact within the flock; a real delight!

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