Friday 17 February 2012


I've got a cold. It's been coming on for some days, and I've tried all the pills and potions in my arsenal in an attempt to keep it at bay - but ultimately to no avail, and I'm coughing and sneezing and spluttering like a good'un.

Amazing, isn't it, how vulnerable we can be to these little hostile microbes? They're so small, and yet we can't seem to combat them, we have to go through all the phases of a cold, and, just when you think you've got it licked, feeling better, getting on with things again, back it comes for another go at you, and down you go again. Though maybe, turning things round the other way, the really amazing thing is how few colds we get, given the sheer number of aggressive microbes there are about the place, waiting to have a go at us! I've spent all winter being coughed on by people, and yet this is the first one that's got through.

That doesn't make me feel that much better, just at this moment in time. I really HATE colds! Still, it's an excuse to open another bottle, and there's a nice Islay malt there at the back of the sideboard.

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