Saturday 7 January 2012


On a bright and sunny morning, I'd love to be out there enjoying the garden or taking a decent walk down the fields - but I've stuff to get on with at my desk, and it all has to be done and dusted by Monday, so no way can it be put off. Or at least, I suppose it could - but only at the expense either of a decent night's rest tonight or the family day out we've got planned for tomorrow.

There are times in life when you need to seize the moment and go with the flow, and when the plans you've made can and should be set aside. Equally, there are other times when discipline has to be imposed, schedules maintained, tasks completed. The trick is to know which time is which: when to be flexible, when to be rigid in the decision you make.

Rarely is either one of those a completely right option or satisfactory course to set, but then again, an element of compromise is usually possible - so with luck I should be able to snatch a stroll by the canal en route to doing a bit of essential shopping around lunchtime! So my thought for this morning is: make the most of the chances and opportunities that come your way, for what you don't grasp is gone forever - but don't be irresponsible, idle or uncaring in your choosing; in a balanced approach to communal and family living, you can't always live for the moment, however tempting the sunshine may be.

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