Monday 19 December 2011


A good day today; a good and gentle day. Some days are just like that - there's nothing special about them, no particular treats or pleasures, but a sense of things working out, going well, making sense that permeates through. A feelgood day, in other words.

As we approach the shortest day and not long after it the ending of another year, I find myself reminded all too forcibly of some very low points, some very frightening times, some times of searing and debilitating pain. But there've also been some celebration times, some amazing moments with the world around me all in fiesta mode. These are the times that, looking back, I shall remember in detail, for good or bad.

But the days that carry me through, that keep me going, are the days like today, the days that happen and get forgotten, whose contents don't become fixed in the memory because of ecstatic highs or crushing lows; days though when the world feels right to me, and I have been able to feel right within it.

With that thought in mind, I find myself pondering over the ministry we can have to one another. Someone once said - I don't remember who - that the mark of a really great teacher or leader is that those he or she has mentored will be able to say of their work, "I did this on my own!" Our best offering to the world is to do things that - though they won't be remembered for themselves, or cause our own names to be blazed in lights - just carry others forward, give them hope, allow them to feel good about themselves.

One thing, then, for me to take from today and maybe even to take into my New Year resolutions (if and when I make any) is this: it's not about me. It's not about me in the spotlight, me being noticed, approved, applauded. It is about what I can give; after all, so much has been given for me. "What can I give Him, poor as I am . . ."

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