Saturday 7 July 2012

Strange Sight

I was out last night for a drink and a curry, and got home (in the car, as I’d been on the soft drinks all night, first J2O I’ve ever had in an Indian restaurant) just after midnight, to see a strange white apparition on our neighbour’s drive. Weird, I thought, very strange. So I parked up, got out of the car, and stared at the apparition, which basically just stood there and stared back. It was . . .

. . . a white peacock. Completely white - crown, tail feathers and all.  Just in case this was some kind of strange mirage brought on by lack of alcohol, I fetched Ann out to see this strange sight for herself. The peacock was still there, though by this time it had strolled - or strutted, really - some way along the road. It glanced back at us disdainfully, and continued on its way in a sedate fashion.  To be honest, I half expected to see a dead white peacock in the road this morning, but thankfully that was not the case.  So I presume it just wandered off home (wherever that may be; we do hear them calling from time to time).

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