Monday 23 July 2012

Planting Geraniums

A friend gave me some species geranium offcuts, oh, ages ago.  I put them in water and waited for them to develop some roots so that I could pot them up.  There they were on the kitchen windowsill, and, to be honest, I think I stopped seeing them there.  Occasionally, I would top up the water, and think, "You know, I need to get round to potting these!" - but I never did.

I can think of many past occasions when the story above would conclude with my throwing dead or dying bits of geranium into the compost bin;  thankfully, not this time!  I got home today, saw them (oh, all right, had them 'mentioned' to me by Ann), and got on with the job of potting up.  Two pots in the greenhouse, some others set in a container in the garden.  Let's see how they do!

But there are so many things we fail to notice, things we could do but we don't get round to it;  people we almost call, but we'll do it tomorrow when there's more time.  Then one day there isn't any more time.  I find myself reflecting on the famous story of the rich man (Dives is his legendary name, though that simply means 'Rich Man') and the poor man (Lazarus, he gets a name in the actual story, recorded by Luke), as told by Jesus.

I always picture Dives, somewhat anachronistically, sweeping out of his Hollywood mansion in his white Rolls with the tinted windows.  He was a religious man, we know that;  perhaps, on his day, he was a kind man, as well, and prepared, in theory at least, to give handouts to beggars.  But to do that for real would need him to actually notice Lazarus, there, clearly in need, right by his gate.  It wasn't that he wouldn't have helped, as I see it - he just never noticed, just never took the time.

A bit like me, really, far too often!  For Dives, one day it was too late;  all his chances to do good had gone. The moral?  Just do it - don't put it off . . . and look, notice, be aware, react, respond!

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