Wednesday 18 July 2012


From the days of Noah, rainbows have always been taken as a sign of hope and promise.  Obviously, these days we understand the science and we know that what we have is simply a meteorological effect that can be fully explained . . . but each rainbow is still a thing of beauty, and, if I'm honest, for me still as much a spiritual high as a physical phenomenon.

Tonight's was really special:  we could see the whole bow (it came to earth at the local scrapyard, and I can think of nowhere better to look for a crock of gold!);  it had a faint reflected bow inside it, if you looked really hard, and a clearer outer reflected bow too.  It was extremely bright, and quite long-lasting, as we enjoyed a sunshower at the end of what had been quite a pleasant day - much more so than forecast, in fact.

I was talking on the phone to my mother when the rainbow appeared;  it lasted the entire conversation, and then continued to shine long enough for me to grab my camera and take a shot or two.  Ours has been a damp and dismal summer thus far, but maybe the rainbow is a sign of better and brighter and sunnier times to come.

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