Tuesday 26 June 2012

Losing Things

Today has not been a good day!  I set out from home with my diary, as I thought, only to arrive at work without it, and with a distinct memory of having placed it on top of the car.  Naturally, I was beginning to panic:  it could be anywhere along the eight mile journey from home to work - and without it, I'm lost!  I rang Ann in trepidation, but the good news back was that I'd left it on top of the other car, so all was well (except that I didn't have it with me, and could have done with it).

Unhappily, by the end of the morning I'd managed to lose the mobile phone I'd used to call home!  When I dial the number it rings - but nowhere within earshot.  I suppose it's fallen from a pocket, but where?  I can live without my mobile, but not for long.  Maybe it's somewhere at work, and I'll find it tomorrow.

Things you lose can be replaced.  Maybe not exactly, but there's always something you can do - or, if you can't, well, mostly you can live without whatever it was, a little regretfully maybe, but still . . .

People you lose are not so easy to replace.  It's sad when people fall out, when loves and friendships grow cool, when families are divided, but it happens.  Sometimes it happens because we behave badly (or someone behaves badly towards us);  sometimes it happens as the result of accident, or because a word is spoken too hastily or else misunderstood;  and sometimes it happens by a process of slow decay, maybe over a period of separation.  Memo to self, now that I've been reunited with my diary:  work a little harder, please, at the two mainstays of human relationships - generosity and forgiveness - and never let love grow cold.

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