Anyone out there concerned about my missing phone will be pleased to hear that I found it quite quickly this morning (hiding under a colleague's coat). Jesus knew all about how good it feels to find something you've lost, and told two related parables, about a lost sheep and a lost coin. "Rejoice with me!" says the woman who had lost a coin from her necklace and then, after much searching, found it again . . . and the party commenced.
"Even so," said Jesus, "there is joy in heaven over one sinner who repents." I too am found. Over the months past there have been episodes of healing, of self-discovery and realisation, of a new sense of calm, of purpose and of call. And isn't it good to think that I am being rejoiced over - and you too, perhaps!
I too feel the power of God's Love and intervention as I recover from my opp. It is in being still and listening to the voice of God that draws us closer to him. "Be still and know that I am God" has been a wonderful way for me too listen and learn from the master. God Bless you Both.