I normally spend a bit of time at the end of the day just doing a
few clues in the Saturday "Times Jumbo" cryptic crossword, and can
generally persuade it to last at least half the week. Last Saturday's was
complete by Tuesday evening . . . almost. One clue remained -
"Predator with strong teeth and jack knife (4)". My immediate
thought was 'pike' (as I had already the i and e), but I couldn't relate that
to "jack knife", and my usually very reliable dictionary (which I
dislike having to use) was in this case no help to me at all. So I left
the crossword on one side until today.
There are three
basic meanings to jack knife - first of all, the knife itself, with folding
blades, secondly, what an articulated lorry may do, unwanted, when things get
out of control, and thirdly, a style of competition dive. Taking the
crossword up again this afternoon in an idle moment, I toyed with the word
'dive' for a while, but couldn't relate that to the first part of the clue,
which was, it seemed to me, the "twin definition" form of cryptic
clue, in which the clue as a whole is cryptic, but each component is in fact
Then I got
sidetracked into the lyrics of 'Mack the Knife', in which predators, teeth and
jack knives feature strongly . . .
Oh, the shark, dear,
has such teeth, dear,
and he keeps them
pearly white.
Just a jack knife
has old MacHeath, dear,
and he keeps it
out of sight.
Sadly, that didn’t prove fruitful!
Having, as I do, a sincere and strongly held fear of heights,
which certainly includes high-diving boards, I did not know until this
afternoon that 'pike' is a diving term, and therefore my correct answer. A jack knife is . . . "the front-dive pike, in which the body folds and unfolds", as
Wikipaedia assures me (and who am I to disagree). Well, it's good to
learn something new each day, and I like the way in which a good puzzle can
help do this.