Wednesday 23 November 2011


A busy day yesterday, which included going out for my first run in ages - only a short jog, but as always I felt so good afterwards. But then a crash overnight, and a poorly tummy, and next to no sleep, and not too surprisingly I'm feeling totally wrecked today!

Well, it's a timely reminder of how fragile I am, of how fragile we are. We get those times when we reckon we could take on the world and win; but it ain't really like that, for any of us. For all of us, whoever we are, whatever little victories and achievements may come our way in life, time wins the game in the end. "Remember, O man, that thou art dust . . ."

Let's hope for a better day tomorrow; but it is good (in retrospect, if not at the time) to be reminded every so often just how weak and vulnerable we really are!

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