Thursday 17 November 2011


A busy day today . . . one or two visits to make first thing, then some gardening work for a friend, then collecting Poppy boxes, then out for an evening meal with Ann and Evelyn (Ann's Mum), then with Ann to choir practice with Guilsfield Singers. It's been a lovely day, and I really enjoyed my three-and-a-bit hours tackling Estelle's dandelions and bindweed, and some strange roots which I finally identified as great willow-herb (or codlins and cream, to use one of its old country names). It's rather a fine plant, in its place, but I made an executive decision that Estelle's garden was not that place, and hoiked them all out. I'll have a go at getting a small gardening business going I think - though realistically it's not going to bring in much work until the spring!

Anyway, my main observation is just that it's amazing how much more tired one feels after a day of doing not very much, than after a busy day like this one. Maybe it's just my programming from childhood (or even from birth) - but it's been great to have spent a day doing good and useful things, and I'm feeling fine!

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