Wednesday 16 May 2012


I'm not sure who, if anyone, still reads this, but you may have noticed I haven't posted much for a little while.  In fact, I've decided to take a short break.  Life goes on at Brookfield, siskins still call at the bird table, flowers are being planted, lawns mowed, meals cooked . . . we remain happy, and at ease.

But there are a couple of big decisions to be taken, things I shall have to do that I shall need a clear head for.  I shall stand down from a number of present commitments over the next week or three - perhaps longer, perhaps not, we'll see - and this blog is one of those.

From time to time I've been able, I think, to say things that make sense, and write stuff I can look back on without wincing too much.  But there've been a few recent posts I've either deleted soon after posting, or else not in the end posted at all, because they've been too self-centred, too bound up with my own stuff.

I'll be back, before too long I hope.  When my head is clearer, and when one or two demons have been confronted. Till then, goodbye.

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